
zooom zooom!

Hi!!! I have missed you all! But I have been very busy doing my Christmas Shopping! And all those glittery things make it hard for me to focus on my personal space and navigate those pesky parking lots!

A few days ago, this asshole (excuse my French! Oi MOIS!) in a green old-body Land Rover Discovery (isn't it great how I know all these car models! you ARE what you drive!!) nearly hit me as I was zoooming zooooming accross those nifty white stripes! I was focused on going straight where I wanted to go and my personal space (remember what a safe driver I am!); I don't know what the F he was doing. But he did honk his horn to say "Sorry! Have a great day!", so I honked back with a "You too!".

See, people are so nice to their fellow man this holiday time of year!

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